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Safeguarding Adults Week 20 - 27 November 2023
Published: Thursday, 26 January 2023
Information about Safeguarding Adults Week 2023
Safeguarding Adults Week is a time for organisations to come together to raise awareness of important safeguarding issues. In partnership with Shropshire Safeguarding Community Partnership and Shropshire Partners in Care we have pulled together a variety of resources to help you in your role of safeguarding. During the week itself there will be a series of free live seminars and events which you are able to join (more details will coming soon) along with a drop in event being held in Telford Town Centre where questions can ba asked to a variety of safeguarding experts in self neglect, domestic abuse, financial abuse, physical abuse, county lines/cuckooing and hoarding.
Monday 20th November
What’s My Role in Safeguarding Adults?
Safeguarding is Everybody’s Business – delivered by Karen Littleford (Shropshire Partners in Care)
Time: 10:00am – 11:30am
Platform: Zoom
Webinar Outline: This webinar will consider why safeguarding really is our role.
Book a place: Shropshire Partners in Care Members, non-members email [email protected]
Domestic Abuse Focus Lunch and Learn Seminar – delivered by West Mercia Police, ICB and Cranstoun:
Time: 12.00pm -1.30pm
Platform: Teams
Book a place: email [email protected]
Learning Objectives: The session will cover the following topics:
- Different forms of domestic abuse
- Warning flags to look out for
- The role of the DARO
- MARAC process
- The role of a DHR’s
- Information on Clare’s Law (DVDS) and Sarahs Law (CSODS)
Tuesday 21st November
Let’s Start Talking – Taking The Lead on Safeguarding
Legal consciousness of mental capacity assessors webinar – delivered by Jay Kirkham LLM (Non-Practising Solicitor, MA Social Work, FHEA, PhD Candidate, School of Law, University of Keele)
Time: 10:00am – 11:30am
Platform: Zoom
Webinar Outline: The MCA could or does affect people who are patients, people who use services and people who live in care home settings. The MCA also affects practitioners and their professional reputation. The Mental Capacity Act can apply to any of us and our families at any time in our lives. This webinar will explore whether improving the legal consciousness of mental capacity assessors could keep you safe.
Book a place: Shropshire Partners in Care Members, non-members email [email protected]
Human Rights and Adult Safeguarding Seminar - Delivered by Dr Laura Pritchard-Jones, Senior Lecturer in Law, Director of Taught Postgraduate Programmes, School of Law and Programme Director, MA Safeguarding Adults: Law, Policy, and Practice
Time: 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Platform: Zoom
Webinar outline: To consider in more detail the law around human rights, including some myth-busting about the Human Rights Act itself! The webinar will also consider how the law applies in situations where there are concerns about abuse and neglect of adults, and what a rights-based approach to adult safeguarding might look like.
Book a place: Shropshire Partners in Care Members, non-members email [email protected]
Wednesday 22nd November
Cyber & Fraud Protect “There’s A Cyber Criminal Out There for Everyone” – delivered by PC Rebecca Smith and DC William Sneddon
Time: 9:30am-11:00am
Platform: Zoom
Webinar Outline: To develop a better understanding of cyber-crime and the work of the Cyber Crime Unit.
Book a place: : Shropshire Partners in Care Members, non-members email [email protected]
Scams – red flags – Delivered by Ben Deacon – Public Protection Officer (Scams), Shropshire Council.
Webinar outline: to recognise the signs of a scam and what to do if you spot/suspect the person you support is being scammed.
Time: 2:30pm – 4:00pm Platform: Zoom
Book a place: Shropshire Partners in Care Members, non-members email [email protected]
Thursday 23rd November
Care to Smile Programme Webinar - delivered by Jill Allbutt, Oral Health Improvement Service Lead
Time: 11.00 - 12.15
Platform: Teams
Book a place: Shropshire Partners in Care Members, non-members email [email protected]
Webinar Outline: To raise awareness of issues around the impact of poor oral health and the Care to Smile programme for care and nursing homes that runs in Shropshire and Telford and Wrekin. As neglect and acts of omission are prevalent in section 42 enquiries this is an opportunity for attendees to reflect on whether oral health is an overlooked and misunderstood area of neglect.
Resources - See Care Quality Commission Smiling matters: Oral health in care homes - progress report 2023 here and NICE Oral health for adults in care homes guideline here
Friday 24th November
Listen, Learn, Lead – Co-Production With Experts by Experience
Time: 11.30 - 12.30
Platform: Teams
Book a place: email [email protected]
Webinar Outline:
Our Making It Real Board was set up in January 2018 and is made up of people who use adult services or who are interested in the development of Adult Social Care (ASC) in Telford and Wrekin. The Board works in co-production with council leaders, making recommendations on how different service areas can improve and develop, with the aim of seeing services progress towards more person-centred, community-based support. As 'experts by experience' the board is uniquely placed to ensure that council leaders are kept in touch with the day to day realities for people who use services and their carers and that local people are placed at the heart of decisions around the future of ASC in the borough.
The session will be delivered by Katie Rae from the Making it Real Board and will cover the following areas:
- What is co-production?
- Why does it matter?
- How can you get involved?
Thematic analysis of Safeguarding Adults Reviews and Domestic Homicide Reviews - Delivered by Debbie Foss, PhD Candidate, School of Law, Keele University.
Time: 2:00pm – 3:30pm Platform: Zoom
Outline: The webinar will consider the role of the Mental Health Act 1983 in safeguarding adults at risk: a thematic analysis of Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SAR’s). The second part of the webinar will address learning from Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHR’ s) where the victim has died by suicide. Debbie has recently undertaken a thematic review of SARs commissioned in England and Adult Practice Reviews (APRs) commissioned in Wales where the MHA 1983 was a central aspect to the review.
Book a place: Shropshire Partners in Care Members, non-members email [email protected]