Functions of the Telford and Wrekin Safeguarding Partnership
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the borough’s most vulnerable children and adults is at the heart of what our organisations do. We recognise that for children to grow up safe, happy and healthy they must be nurtured within their community. Adults that need our support thrive best when they are supported within their community. These principles underpin our work. Equally, it is essential that our work is informed and challenged by the voice of children, adults and their families. Our arrangements enable us to develop strong and effective partnerships: to challenge each other to do better; and to learn and to aspire for the best outcomes for children and adults who need our support and protection.
To carry out the safeguarding functions, the Telford and Wrekin Safeguarding Partnership (TWSP) is made up of the following functions:
Safeguarding Executive
The remit of the Executive is to provide strategic oversight and scrutiny of safeguarding arrangements across Telford and Wrekin by holding partners to account. Membership of the Executive is composed of representatives from the three statutory partners and the Independent Chair of the Safeguarding Partnership. The Executive reserves the right to invite other relevant agencies to join in response to emerging need and new priorities. The Executive ensures effective safeguarding on the basis of understanding of:
- Outcomes and performance dataset;
- Quality, audit and assurance findings;
- Progress against thematic priorities; and
- The voice of children, families and adults.
Review, Learning and Training sub-group
The purpose of these groups (one each for children and adults) is to promote a culture of continuous multi-agency learning and improvement through the co-ordination of the review and audit of cases and the development of and communication of appropriate learning, training and practice (guidance, resources and tools). Each group ensures that a process exists for evaluating the effectiveness and impact of the findings and recommendations from practice reviews, audit and multi-agency learning.
The Children's Review, Learning and Training sub-group have oversight of the Rapid Review process and subsequent Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews (CSPR) and other learning reviews, as appropriate.
The Adult's Review, Learning and Training sub-group have oversight of Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR) and other learning reviews, as appropriate.
Thematic sub-groups
Thematic sub-groups are commissioned by the Executive to focus on specific priorities and are time limited. Groups are kept under review by the Executive to ensure that they reflect local safeguarding priorities. The current thematic groups and their focus are:
- Neglect: is one of the most frequent causes for a child to be placed on a Child Protection Plan;
- Domestic Abuse: is a significant risk factor in the harm of vulnerable adults and children; and
- Exploitation: Criminal Exploitation of vulnerable adults and children is a significant cause of harm.
Each group will ensure improvement in the identification, investigation and support for those at risk within Telford and Wrekin, and reduce the numbers of those at risk and, where appropriate, the prosecution of perpetrators.
In addition to these existing thematic groups, the Corporate Parenting Strategic Group reports to the Safeguarding Executive, as it is an essential part of our safeguarding arrangements. The Corporate Parenting Strategic Group focuses on securing the best possible outcomes for our children and young people in care, so that as care leavers, they are able to achieve independence and in doing so, have the life chances and opportunities that are at least equal to those of their peers.
Safeguarding Partnership
The wider Partnership focuses on engagement with wider relevant agencies to:
- Understand local safeguarding arrangements and the expectations that this places on to partners;
- Share learning and best practice on local and national issues and challenges; and
- Identify new and emerging safeguarding challenges and influence the work of the Partnership
Links to other Partnerships
The Telford and Wrekin Safeguarding Partnership maintains close links to the Health and Wellbeing Board and the Community Safety Partnership - known locally as the Safer Telford and Wrekin Partnership.
Health and Wellbeing Board
The purpose of the Health and Wellbeing Board is to ensure that Telford & Council and the Telford & Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Group work effectively together in planning health and social care services to improve health and wellbeing in Telford and Wrekin.
The Board has specific responsibility for:
- Ongoing development of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA);
- Developing a high-level, all age, Health and Wellbeing Strategy;
- The establishment of sound joint commissioning arrangements;
- Maintaining effective relationships between the Health Scrutiny Committee and other partnerships; and
- Pharmacy Needs Assessment (PNA).
Further information about the Health and Wellbeing Board can be found here.
Safer Telford and Wrekin Partnership
The Crime and Disorder Act of 1998 requires local areas to have a Community Safety Partnership (CSP). Section 17 of this Act places a legal duty on the responsible authorities to work together to tackle and reduce crime and disorder, including anti-social behaviour, domestic abuse, substance misuse, reduce re-offending, and reduce the fear of crime.
Further information about the Safer Telford and Wrekin Partnership can be found here.