7 Minute Briefings
Below are links to our 7 minute briefings, each focussing on a different theme to enable professionals and practitioners to enhance understanding and awareness on key areas.
- Telford and Wrekin Safeguarding Partnership - what we do, who we are
- Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR's)
- Domestic Abuse
- Predatory Marriage
- Asthma and Safeguarding poster
- Professional Curiosity
- Self Neglect
- Clare's Law - Domestic violence disclosure checks
- Domestic Homicide Reviews and Suicides
- MARAC - all about the Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference
- Virginity Testing Briefing
- Hoarding
- Practice Guide - hints and tips for good safeguarding practice
- Sarah's Law - Child sexual offence disclosure check
- ICON 7 Minute Briefing - Provided by Shropshire/Telford and Wrekin ICB
- Substance use in Pregnancy
- Forced Marriage
- Female Genital Mutilation
- Contexual Safeguarding
- Information Sharing
- Professional Boundaries
- Modern Day Slavery
- Home takeover (previously known as cuckooing)
- LeDeR - Learning from lives and deaths, people with a learning disability and autistic people
- Eating Disorders
- Online Safety
Learning from our Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews (CSPR's)