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Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) Awareness

Date:             13th June 2022

Time:             1:30pm -2:30pm

       Platform:        Teams


Telford and Wrekin Safeguarding Partnership are hosting an online seminar to raise awareness around the Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) process. The seminar will be delivered in 3 parts to include information on:


  • Overviews of SAR – what are they, why we have them and relevant legislation - Vicky Worthington (Telford and Wrekin Service Delivery Manager for Community Social Work and Safeguarding)
  • Local practice and processes - Oliver Nicholas (Chair of SAR Panel within the Telford and Wrekin Safeguarding Partnership)
  • Previous SAR’s and learning - Nichola Ward (SAR Champion for ASC)


By the end of the session you will be familiar with the possible circumstances which would require a SAR to be undertaken , the process of making a good quality referral if you have concerns around how agencies worked together to safeguard an individual and an understanding of the role you would play as a professional within any SAR.


Delivered by

To book on to the above sessions please email the Partnerships Team at [email protected] and we shall send an invite along with joining instructions.