Adult training resources
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Safeguarding Adults Reviews – themes and implications from a national analysis: in discussion with Professor Michael Preston-Shoot
In this ‘in conversation’ Alex Ruck-Keene talks to Professor Michael Preston-Shoot about the second national analysis of safeguarding adults reviews he recently led with Professor Suzy Braye. They talk about the background and context, and Michael draws out some of the key themes, before they conclude with asking whether SARs actually achieve anything.
Watch the recording here –
The three reports coming from the analysis can be found here:
Stage 1: Case characteristics; nature of the abuse and neglect; SAR reviewing process
Stage 2: Analysis of learning
Stage 3: Conclusions and improvement priorities
The Safe Care at Home Review Michael talks about can be found here.
Pressure ulcers: how to safeguard adults
How to respond to individuals at risk of developing pressure ulcers, prevent harm where they occur and raise a safeguarding concern.
From: Department of Health and Social Care
The guidance covering how to respond to individuals at risk of developing pressure ulcers, prevent harm where they occur and raise a safeguarding concern has been updated.
It now includes links to the updated National Wound Care Strategy Programme (NWCSP) pressure ulcer recommendations and clinical pathway documents.
These documents help practitioners and managers across health and care organisations to provide caring and quick responses to people at risk of developing pressure ulcers.
The guidance offers a process for the clinical management of harm removal and reduction where ulcers occur, considering if an adult safeguarding response is necessary. The guidance also outlines how the appendices should be used if a concern is raised:
- appendix 1: adult safeguarding decision guide
- appendix 2: body map
- appendix 3: concern proforma
Pressure ulcers, which are largely preventable, cause distress to individuals and their families and create financial pressures for the NHS. While the treatment of pressure ulcers is mainly clinical, prevention is a shared responsibility.
Access the guidance here
New perspectives on hoarding behaviours... from psychology, law & social care
Around 680 people attended an online half-day conference presented by Making Research Count and the NIHR Health and Social Care Workforce Research Unit at King's College London on 1st February 2024.
A recording (1hr 24min) is available on the Unit's YouTube channel (this has been edited down to the presentations only). The slides are available for download below:
- Nick Neave (Northumbria University): The Hoarding Research Group & UK Hoarding Partnership
- Tim Spencer-Lane (Government Legal Department; Kingston University): Self-neglect, hoarding, executive functioning and the law
- Jennifer Owen (King's College London) & Maria Brent (Kingston University): Decluttering support for people with hoarding behaviours: A service and intervention built on trust
- Sam Wainman (University of Birmingham): Collaboration, technology, and support in hoarding
The event was chaired by James Blewett of Making Research Count.
NIHR Health and Social Care Workforce Research Unit at King's College London research page here -
Listen, Learn, Lead – Co Production With Experts by Experience - took place on 24.11.23
This session aimed to increase awareness and encourage more use of co-production. Our Making It Real Board was set up in January 2018 and is made up of people who use adult services or who are interested in the development of Adult Social Care (ASC) in Telford and Wrekin. The Board works in co-production with council leaders, making recommendations on how different service areas can improve and develop, with the aim of seeing services progress towards more person-centred, community-based support. As 'experts by experience' the board is uniquely placed to ensure that council leaders are kept in touch with the day to day realities for people who use services and their carers and that local people are placed at the heart of decisions around the future of ASC in the borough.
The session was delivered by Katie Rae from the Making it Real Board and covered the following areas:
- What is co-production?
- Why does it matter?
- How can you get involved?
Who Cares for the Carers? - took place 22.11.23
This webinar aimed to raise awareness around the role of carers, both adult and child carers, and the support in place for them within Telford and Wrekin. The session was delivered by Telford CVS Carer Centre.
A copy of the presentation can be downloaded here
Lunch and Learn - Domestic Abuse Focus (second input) - took place on 20.11.23
This re-run of the webinar which took place in June was refreshed in content due to local changes and aimed to raise awareness around Domestic Abuse. The session was jointly delivered by West Mercia Police, ICB and Cranstoun (the new Domestic Abuse Service for Telford and Wrekin) and covered the following topics:
- The role of the DARO
- MARAC process
- Information on Clare’s Law (DVDS)
- The role of a DHR’s
- The new Domestic Abuse Service
- Different forms of domestic abuse
- Warning flags to look out for
Presentations for download:
- Domestic Abuse Risk Officer (DARO)
- Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVD/Clare's Law)
- Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC)
- Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHR)
- Cranstoun (the new domestic abuse service) and domestic abuse signs
- Cranstoun referral form
Domestic Abuse
Lunch and Learn - Domestic Abuse Focus - took place on 14.06.23
This webinar aimed to raise awareness around Domestic Abuse. The session was jointly delivered by West Mercia Police, ICB and Cranstoun (the new Domestic Abuse Service for Telford and Wrekin) and covered the following topics:
- The role of the DARO
- MARAC process
- Information on Clare’s Law (DVDS)
- The role of a DHR’s
- The new Domestic Abuse Service
- Different forms of domestic abuse
- Warning flags to look out for
Presentations for download:
- Domestic Abuse Risk Officer (DARO)
- Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVD/Clare's Law)
- Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC)
- Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHR)
- Cranstoun (the new domestic abuse service) and domestic abuse signs
For further training opportunities please contact [email protected]
Forced Marriage Awareness
A free e-learning course has been developed by the Forced Marriage Unit of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Home Office. It aims to raise awareness, challenge perceptions and inform you of the correct actions to take should you suspect someone is at risk.
– After completing this training you will be able to:
– Recognise the warning signs of forced marriage
– Take the right actions to help protect the potential victim
– Co-operate effectively with other agencies
Access online at:
Predatory Marriage - took place 25.11.22
Joan Blass was 91 with severe dementia and terminal cancer. After her death in March 2016, we found that a much younger man, age 68, had secretly married her five months previously. She never knew that she was married (see Our Story section for full story). These events have had a devastating effect on our family both emotionally and financially. We were shocked by how few checks there were to stop this marriage taking place. We believe that there needs to be better protection against such predatory marriage to prevent this happening to anyone else.
We aim to…
- Change the law such that a marriage does not automatically revoke a Will
- Create an offence of Predatory Marriage, perhaps as a subset of Forced Marriage.
- Publish Notices/Banns on the Internet.
- Train Registrars to look for signs of insufficient mental capacity to marry.
- Add a robust set of questions for registrars to ask at marriage, with clear procedures for them to follow if correct answers are not given.
- Ensure Registrars will stop a marriage ceremony if there are any doubts.
- Add “The marriage was fraudulent” to the permitted reasons to annul a marriage after one party has died.
During the seminar, Daphne will talk about her personal experience of working with agencies in order to understand how it was possible for her mum to marry in secret desperate having Power of Attorney for her, a mechanism to safeguard her. She describes the lack of ‘professional curiosity’ within the system which ultimately failed to protect her mum from being victim of a marriage she was unaware she was in.
Delivered by:
- Webinar Recording - What Can be Done to Prevent Predatory Marriage?
- Policy Brief Hourglass Predatory Marriage: What can we do to prevent it?
- Interview - Daphne Franks: the woman who lost her much-loved mother to a predatory marriage
- Webinar Recording - Shoosmiths ‘Til death do us part – Predatory Marriage and Probate
Self-Neglect - took place on 22.11.22
One of the key challenges in adult safeguarding is ensuring the wellbeing of adults where risk arises from self-neglect rather than from a third party. The seminar will cover relevant legislation, practice and approaches to self-neglect, ethical dilemmas, and key learning from Safeguarding Adult Reviews.
Delivered by
- Webinar Recording - Self-Neglect and MCA Webinar (Shropshire and Telford and Wrekin Councils)
- Webinar Recording - Self-neglect and mental capacity – March 2022 (Lorraine Currie, Professional Lead, Mental Capacity, Shropshire Council
- Live Event Recording - Learning from SARs for best mental capacity practice (Professor Michael Preston-Shoot, 2018)
- Live Event Recording - Working with adults who self-neglect: best practice evidence from research and reviews (Professor Michael Preston-Shoot, 2018)
Adults at Risk of Harm Due To Fire
This webinar was hosted by Walsall Safeguarding Partnership as part of National Safeguarding Adults Week in November 2022 and shared learning from a recent Black Country Multi-Agency Audit that took place on adults with care and support needs with associated fire risk, this was undertaken across the four Black Country Safeguarding Partnerships (Walsall, Wolverhampton, Sandwell and Dudley). However, the report identified wider learning for the region. This was followed by a session from West Midlands Fire Service on how to identify, assess and promote the safety and wellbeing of their service users at risk of a fire, fire death or serious injury. The webinar addresses self-neglect as well as consideration of the mental capacity act etc.
Pressure Ulcers - took place on 11th April 2022
International Stop Pressure Ulcer Day was held in November with the aim to highlight the importance of preventing pressure ulcers as well as intervening promptly to any risks or signs of the development of pressure damage. Telford and Wrekin Safeguarding Partnership are delighted to announce their commitment to this action by hosting an online seminar to cover this important area. There will be 2 presentations from Jodie Jordan, Tissue Viability Service Lead for Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust and Rachel Jones, Deputy Designated Adult Safeguarding Professional for NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Group. The seminar will allow opportunity for open discussion and ensure that your knowledge and practice has the key elements to provide optimum care, to apply the Safeguarding Adults Protocol and to identify any areas of further development.
Delivered by
To access a copy of the slides please click here
Pressure ulcers: how to safeguard adults - How to respond to individuals at risk of developing pressure ulcers, prevent harm where they occur and raise a safeguarding concern.
Mental Capacity
Mental Capacity Amendment Act introduces the Liberty Protection Safeguards
A Briefing recorded by Lorraine Currie (Formerly the Professional Lead for Mental Capacity with Shropshire Council) is now available.In this briefing Lorraine talks about the changes associated with the Mental Capacity Amendment Act which introduces the Liberty Protection Safeguards. This briefing would be suitable for those working across adult social care and health services or those who have an interest in the forthcoming changes.
Abuse and Exploitation
The Abuse of Older People with Hourglass - took place on 24.11.22
This webinar with Shropshire Partners in Care, Telford and Wrekin Safeguarding Partnership and Shropshire Community Safeguarding Partnership addressed the abuse of older people. The panel discussing this topic were Michelle Williams (Interim Service Manager, Adult Social Care, Shropshire Council), Karen Littleford (Safeguarding Adults Lead, Shropshire shire Partners in Care) and Elizabeth Fox (Community Response Officer (IDVA) with the Chair, Sarah Browne a trustee with Hourglass facilitating the discussion. Links mentioned in the webinar are signposted in the webinar description on YouTube, access the webinar recording here -
Female Genital Mutlilation (FGM)
The Home Office has launched a free online training package dealing with female genital mutilation (FGM), developed with Virtual College. It gives teachers, police, doctors, social workers and Border Force staff the training they need to help them identify and assist girls who are at risk of FGM.
Course Type: E-Learning
Cost: Free
Access online at:
Home Office Prevent Training
This e-learning package has been developed by HM Government following consultation with a range of individuals and organisations. It has benefitted from the feedback of teachers, local authority officials, community-based groups, youth workers and many others. Links to further information can be found at the end of the training. This is introductory training. It will provide an important foundation on which to develop further knowledge around the risks of radicalisation and the role that you can play in supporting those at risk. The training addresses all forms of terrorism and non-violent extremism, including far right wing and Islamist extremism threatening the UK. It offers an introduction to the Prevent duty, and explains how it aims to safeguard vulnerable people from being radicalised to supporting terrorism or becoming terrorists themselves.
A link to the prevent duty guidance is available at the end of the e-Learning.
Course Type: E-learning
Cost: Free
Access here:
Prevent Training:
Channel Awareness:
Prevent Referrals:
General awareness
Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) Awareness - took on place on 13.06.22
The seminar is delivered in 3 parts to include information on:
- Local practice and processes - Oliver Nicholas (Chair of SAR Panel within the Telford and Wrekin Safeguarding Partnership)
- Overviews of SAR – what are they, why we have them and relevant legislation - Vicky Worthington (Telford and Wrekin Service Delivery Manager for Community Social Work and Safeguarding)
- Previous SAR’s and learning - Nichola Ward (SAR Champion for ASC)
By the end of the session you will be familiar with the possible circumstances which would require a SAR to be undertaken , the process of making a good quality referral if you have concerns around how agencies worked together to safeguard an individual and an understanding of the role you would play as a professional within any SAR.
Delivered by
To access a copy of the slides please click here
Useful links:
Regional Safeguarding SAR Policy
Safeguarding Adults – Developing A Positive Safeguarding Culture - took place on 31st March 2022
Telford and Wrekin Safeguarding Partnership hosted an Adult Safeguarding session addressing ‘Developing A Positive Safeguarding Culture’ facilitated by Karen Littleford, Safeguarding Adults Lead, Shropshire Partners in Care.
The short webinar considered developing the notion of a positive safeguarding culture and covered the following areas:
- State the key components of a ‘positive safeguarding culture’
- Describe what is outlined in good practice guidance
- Outline how recruitment practice contributes to a positive culture
- Explain the importance of embedding key safeguarding and other principles
- Identify how can we make sure that everyone in an organisation has a role in developing this culture
To access the supporting course materials please click here
Delivered by
DBS - took place on 19th November 2021. This seminar covered the following areas:
- The role of the disclosure and barring service
- Understanding DBS checks and role eligibility including levels of checks and the workforce
- Understand when an employee/volunteer is eligible for a check
- Understand the DBS Update Service
- How regulated activity is defined and what this means in practice
- Understand what safe recruitment practices can be in place and how DBS checks can form a part of this.
- The three different referral routes
- When a DBS Barring referral should be made, including when the legal duty is met
- How regulated activity is defined and what this means in practice
- How to make a good quality referral
- Provide a clear understanding of the consequences of not making appropriate barring referrals and the consequences of being included in one or both Barred Lists
To view a copy of the slides please click here.
For further DBS information, advice and contact details please visit the DBS website.
Family Safeguarding Model Seminar - took place on 17th February 2022
The Family Safeguarding Model is a strengths-based approach which looks to support parents to make positive changes to family life when they are referred to children’s services. It aims to keep families together, with bespoke and tailored packages of support around domestic violence, mental health and substance misuse. The Family Safeguarding Model is a pioneering approach to providing help for families in need. By bringing together children's social care professionals with specialists in adult mental health, domestic abuse and substance misuse we will provide tailored wrap around support for parents. This seminar will be delivered by Darren Knibbs, Strategic Lead, Telford and Wrekin Council and Emma Martin, SDM Family Connect, Telford and Wrekin Council and will provide further detail on the model itself and how it has progressed since its launch in June 2021, along with information on the Threshold of Needs
Delivered by
Trauma Informed Practice
This is an approach which recognises and acknowledges the impact that trauma can have. A trauma based approach primarily views the individual as having been harmed by something or someone. The short video below helps explains how the brain works and the impact trauma can have on it.
As part of a series of webinars produced across the West Midlands region by Safeguarding Adults Boards, Solihull SAB joined up with RSVP to learn more about supporting survivors by being trauma responsive. To watch the webinar please visit the YouTube site. It included:
- Exploring the prevalence of sexual violence, harassment and abuse
- Myths surrounding sexual violence and abuse
- Victim blaming attitudes and language
- Examining the physical and emotional impact of trauma
- Reflecting on the basic principles of 'trauma-informed' practice
- Understanding ways of supporting survivors in a trauma responsive way
The importance of robust recording within casework (and top tips!) - took place on 18th May 2022
Telford and Wrekin Safeguarding Partnership hosted an online seminar focussing on “The importance of robust recording within casework (and top tips!)”. This will be delivered by Kate Young, founder of the Safeguarding Association. The seminar will reinforce the key elements of good, robust recording within all aspects of case work. It will help navigate the possible pitfalls and hurdles in building a person/child centred, balanced reflection of their circumstances where decisions and actions are clear and are appropriately supported with relevant legislation, principles and professional experience. By the end of the session you should feel confident in the information which should be recorded within case files and understand its importance within the wider context of safeguarding.
Delivered by
Suicide Prevention Awareness
The Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA) are a members-led charity campaign hosted by Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust dedicated to preventing suicide. They work in collaboration with NHS trusts, non-profit organisations, local authorities, businesses and individuals to raise awareness of suicide and its contributing factors, with the aim of breaking the stigma that surrounds suicide and enable leaders to drive meaningful action to help prevent suicide in the UK and beyond. To learn more about prevention please visit the Zero Suicide Alliance website which offers free awareness courses and support.
Papyrus - Prevention of Young Suicide also offers free help and guidance around supporting someone disclosing feelings of suicide. Visit their website here.
Safeguarding and Homelessness
There are 8 webinars which are on the Local Government Website focussing on Homelessness. Please follow this link to be taken to the LGA website