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Home takeover (previously known as Cuckooing)

Home take over (or invasion) / Cuckooing is a practice where people take over a person’s home and use the property to facilitate exploitation. It originally took its name from cuckoos who take over the nests of other birds.

There are different types of home take over, which could include:

  • using the property to grow, deal, store or take drugs
  • using the property to sex work
  • using the property to store weapons
  • taking over the property as a place for them to live
  • taking over the property to financially abuse the tenant

The most common form of home take over is where drug dealers or gang members take over a person’s home and use it to store or distribute drugs. 

They may begin by befriending the adult at risk – gangs will select members who are charming and manipulative in order for them to quickly build a rapport.

They will then offer the adult at risk something of interest to them, this could be a relationship, friendship, drugs or alcohol (or both), money or clothing.

In exchange they may ask to ‘borrow’ a room, to store something or meet other ‘friends’ at the property. In some cases, the gang may make it clear that this is for criminal purposes, such as drug supply, or they may use an excuse as to why they want to use the property.

Gradually the ‘benefits’ will reduce and may eventually come to an end, and more and more people will come and go from the address.

The gang members or drug dealers may threaten the adult at risk verbally or physically if they try to put a stop to their criminal activity. They will also discourage family or friends and support workers from visiting the vulnerable adult’s address.


The short animation below helps brings this to life.

Further information and resources can be found on the Partners in Care briefing